Friday Four for May 4


The business of the spring term got the better of me lately and led me to miss the last two Friday posts…sorry to those who sit on the edge of their keyboards waiting for my end-of-the-week missive. While I did not post my regular piece, I have been accumulating a bunch of links to interesting items I have run across that I wanted to share. Here are a few of the items that are piling up in my Google Reader and Diigo account that you may find useful/interesting. Enjoy!

  • Crocodoc is a website that allows you to add comments, highlights, drawings, and other markups to documents and images. You can also invite others to collaborate in real-time or embed documents on your website or blog. For those of you looking for a way to correct/edit student work electronically, this may be the tool for you.
  • The second item this week is a FREE web-based plug-in for Chrome that allows users to create and edit videos right from their Google account. The plugin in called WeVideo. I am a Camtasia user and have not played around with WeVido yet, but do plan on giving it a test drive soon. For those looking to try out creating a video for a flipped classroom lesson, this may be an easy and cheap way to give it a go.
  • Recent piece from Daniel Willingham that looks at some commonly used reading comprehension strategies and their effectiveness/ineffectiveness. Their is a link to a more extensive piece he wrote on the topic that is worth a look as well.
  • Great TedxBozeman talk from Paul Anderson. He explains how he is using elements of game design to improve learning in his AP Biology classroom. If you have 10:56 to spare, I recommend watching this inspirational talk from a fellow educator.

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