Friday Four 10/14

Friday Four – 10/17

Here is this week’s interesting blog posts/articles that I have run across that you might find interesting. Enjoy!

The Craft of Teaching

  1. Three Brain-based Teaching Strategies to Build Executive Function in Students. “For young brains to retain information, they need to apply it. Information learned by rote memorization will not enter the sturdy long-term neural networks in the pre-frontal cortex (PFC) unless students have the opportunity to actively recognize relationships to their prior knowledge and/or apply new learning to new situations.”  Piece by Dr. Judy Willis, an authority on brain research.
  2. Learning about Learning from Soccer. A blog post by former LC faculty member, Grant Wiggins. “Purposeful and effective performance thus requires three things: knowing what the bottom-line long-term purpose is, knowing ways of achieving the purpose, and knowing how to self-assess and self-adjust to achieve a purpose.”
  3. Five lessons on teaching from Angry Birds that have nothing whatsoever to do with parabolas. Blog post from one of my favorite Math geeks out there, Dan Meyer. Good analysis of how computer game design can be transfered to teaching.
  4. Blog post by David Wees on the use of constructivist teaching. Includes link to some research on discovery learning.

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